Best Green Smoothie Recipe

In this post, I will share with you the best green smoothie recipe I know! I started drinking green smoothies when I met my sweet, fawn-eyed Noemi. As a matter of fact, she introduced me to them! I have been drinking green smoothies on a daily basis since then, for the past few years now, so I really feel I had the chance and the opportunity to experiment with them and find what works best for me. I hope, I can say it without any conceit but this green smoothie is not just the best; it is perfect. At least to me, it is… 🙂

Best Green Smoothie RecipePlease consider: I’m still a beginner at this raw vegan game so my taste may not yet be as hard-core as someone with a lot more experience and a set of seasoned tastebuds. 😛

Oh, by the way, this also means that you don’t have to be a fully blown vegan or raw vegan to enjoy this healthy yet delicious snack!  I highly recommend this green smoothie recipe for those who are about to embark on a mission towards eating cleaner even if it doesn’t yet mean being a vegetarian, let alone a vegan…

Talking about eating cleaner… If you need some guidance in your transition from eating traditionally to eating clean pick up my book on Amazon now! It will walk you through those first crucial steps of your transitioning. If you want your new lifestyle of eating clean to be lasting and successful my book will help you install permanent new habits and healthy improvements in your life.

Best Green Smoothie Recipe

Anyways, here’s my best green smoothie recipe. Enjoy!

Best Green Smoothie Recipe

1  whole red apple
1  whole green apple
1 banana
1 handful of mung beans sprouts
6-10 green lettuce leaves
cold, filtered water to taste
Optional: a handful of ice


  1. Liquify the green lettuce leaves in the blender along with a little water (about 1/2 a cup will do)
  2.  Core the two apples, peel the banana and cut them up into quarters or eighths
  3. Add the apples, the banana and the handful of mung bean sprouts and blend them until completely smooth.
  4.  If you like your smoothie thinner just add more water. On hot summer days throw in a handful of ice to make it not just healthy but also cool and refreshing! 🙂
  5. Kick back, relax and enjoy the ride! 🙂



One thought on “Best Green Smoothie Recipe”

  1. I made this once about 3 weeks ago and I loved it!
    Since then I drink it almost everyday!
    Thanks Kor!

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