Brain Tickling Green Smoothie Morning Snack

I woke up very early today. At 5 AM. Now, this might not seem so early for some but it is definitely technically still nighttime for me.

Needless to say, that waking up at 5 AM is not one of my habits. Nor it is any of my pleasures. I simply woke up this early because I had to get some work done. And meet someone online who lives and works in a completely different time zone. Far away from mine.

Eating my breakfast is never a problem. I can get my metabolism going on demand. I had two thin slices of my homemade bread (made of whole wheat bio spelt flour) with a tiny spoonful of honey and a banana. (Oh, I should not forget my mandatory cup of coffee – black, no sugar, no milk, of course.)

About 15 minutes ago my online engagement ended (at about 9 AM) and although my normal morning snack-time is closer to 10 AM I was already starving for something to eat.

But the best part is, that my actual,”normal” day is just about to start and I will still need the full capacity of my brain! This sounds like a no biggie but if you ever woke up at an unusually early time you know that it wears you out and if you don’t make the proper precautions your whole morning will be shot.

So what are, or might be the proper precautions you ask?

Well, if you know me you know my answer would be “eating right” to that question. Funny as it sounds, I can solve a lot of my problems in my life just by eating right! The more demanding your life is the cleaner you should be eating, in general! This way you will have a clearer mind, be able to get more done, with a lot better efficiency, on a lot higher level thus making you more successful at whatever you do!

So that’s exactly what I decided to do and made a wonderful brain supporting morning snack! If you never tried this green miracle drink you should! Drinking this on a regular basis will help you lose your evening carb cravings (let’s face it, we all have it if we eat crap, or even worse, don’t eat enough nutritious stuff during the day!), and on the long-term it will assist you to get rid of your excess body fat without even trying!

I made this in a total of five minutes and the recipe is so simple I even feel embarrassed to call it a recipe. Nevertheless, here it is:

Green Brain Tickling Smoothie

  • One handful of spinach
  • Three leaves of iceberg lettuce
  • Two red apples
  • One banana
  • Lemon juice of half of a lemon
  • As much ice cold filtered water as you like (you know some like their smoothies thin, some like it thick)

Preparation is easy. Put the greens in the blender first, then blend it with a little water. Then add the lemon juice, the apples and the banana. Blend them as you add water to taste.

Normally I core the apples but if they’re perfectly healthy on the inside (just like mine were today) no need for that really. Oh and remember to peel the banana before tossing it into the blender! LOL!

I hope you can appreciate this wonderful “green magic potion” and it will help you out as much as it helps me every day!

Stay healthy my friends!

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