My Book Eating Clean Is A Huge Success!

Eating Clean Is Popular!

When I was working on Eating Clean I knew I only wrote good facts I had gathered during my years of research, I knew I only wrote about what I believed in, I knew everything came from my heart but it was still unbelievable to look at my author dashboard stats this morning and see the money I made in such a short amount of time!

This, beyond the money, validates me and my efforts as a nutritionist, dietician and author. It clearly shows that I have a place in this extremely competitive niche of health, diet & fitness genre.

Eating Clean

I hope it doesn’t come across as bragging but I am so proud that we could pull this off! And frankly, I couldn’t have done this without you.
So, here, officially, I just want to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you who reached out and ordered my book from Amazon!
I could only achieve this because you all helped so thank You again and STAY HEALTHY MY FRIENDS!


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