Tips for Starting a Healthy Lifestyle!


Healthy Lifestyle Tips?

I haven’t realized that starting living heathy can be a very daunting experience for some until a friend of mine on Facebook asked me for some healthy lifestyle tips. I hope this post will give you value and if you think this can give value to others, please share it!

1. Eat clean!

Possibly the most important of all the healthy lifestyle tips I can give.
Cut processed food! In case, you’re new to this: processed food is a murderous! It is chock-full of artificial chemicals which may not seem harmful directly but I can assure you: your body has no idea what to do with them. so in most cases they all go into you but not all of them comes out of you. In the long run the build up of the remains of these chemicals in your body may contribute to, or even trigger one or more of the 21st-century diseases. These are obesity, type II diabetes, Alzheimer, Parkinson disease, coronary and heart diseases, auto immune diseases or different types of cancer, just to mention a few of these nightmares.

But there’s also other problems with processed food! Highly processed food contains very little, if any, nutritional value! Is that a problem? It sure is! Highly processed foods tend to contain a lot of empty calories which will make you fat and barely any nutrients which will result in you being underfed. This is exactly why there are so many undernourished fat people these days. If you want to know more about eating clean get my book ‘How To Switch To Eating Clean’ on Amazon!

Healthy Lifestyle Tips Galore: Get My Book 'How To Switch To Eating Clean'

2. Replace soda and boxed juices with green tea or water!

Why? Because they are loaded with added refined sugar! Sugars, in their natural form are necessary for our survival. So, yes, we need sugars. But I recommend consuming them in their original form like fruits and vegetables. Now you might ask: what if I make my own juice at home? Well, it’s a little bit better than boxed juices. The reason for this is natural fruit juices are too full of sugar. So you may want to drink them cautiously, preferably in the morning. The only exception I can see when you could bring fruit juice anytime of the day, Including late night, is when you’re juicing. (Juicing by the way, is an amazing way to clean out your body from the inside out. I promise I will write a post about doing it properly soon.)

3. Drink a lot of water!

How much is a lot? At least 1/2 of your body weight in ounces or about 1 liter for every 25 kilos you weigh, for my metric friends. Water is possibly the best medicine for most ailments! How so? If you drink enough of it you will not have much to do with health issues. As lame as it sounds water is the best preventive measure if applied properly as part of a healthy lifestyle.

There are a few caveats with this one too. The most important is that the water you drink must be pure. As long as it’s crystal clear both chemically and biologically speaking it doesn’t matter whether you buy it in a bottle, filter it at home or you drink it directly from the creek (because you live in Fiji you lucky bastard…lol). Most of us will probably use water filters because they seems to be the most affordable solution for achieving quality water. For that you will need to get the appropriate water filter which is specific to your water. So as a bonus healthy lifestyle tip I recommend you to check out my other post discussing my favorite water filters.

Healthy Lifestyle Tip Bonus: Get The Right Water Filter!

If you feel fed up with water (whether it’s the taste or you are just fed up with it) do what I do!


4. Spend time with yourself

Meditate, write your journal, take a bubble bath or go for an hour of massage just because…

One of the most powerful healthy lifestyle tips I know. (Now, that I think about it, I feel like I should have started with this one.) Feel grateful for who you are and the things you have! But most importantly: Have love for yourself! The world begins with you! physical health is important so his mental and emotional health. Whether you’re a male or a female you need a little ‘me’ time many times a week!

Whether it’s reading your favorite book, meditating or writing your journal – it doesn’t matter. As long as you spend it with yourself and enjoy both the activity and your own company. Studies have shown, people who don’t take time for themselves on a regular basis tend to develop different levels of depression or even personality problems long term. It is important for you to have a good relationship with you. After all, you cannot leave you. Besides if you don’t love yourself how can you expect others to love you?

5. Sleep well!

This means going to bed at the proper time and sleeping enough. When the sun goes down, so should you! Sleep at least 8 hours. This practice helps your body to regulate leptin which is the un-hungry hormone and cortisol which is responsible for your metabolism, among many other things. This is the reason why going to bed early and getting enough shut eye will keep you slim and lean.

Now, this one too has a caveat: sleeping more than eight hours can be just as bad. It’s not necessarily sleeping too much that causes you any issues. It is usually the other way around: it could be an indicator, you already have some possibly undiagnosed health issue. You may not know about it (yet) but your body already does. When it needs to recover it will make you want to sleep more. The bottom line is: If you are an adult sleep eight hours every night! End of discussion. LOL!

Bonus Healthy Lifestyle Tip: Calculate your most optimum sleep hours (or when to go to bed in order to wake up at a specified time) with this neat on-line sleep calculator!

6. Work out!

This is possibly the most obvious healthy lifestyle tip.
Since most of us spend our days sitting it is crucial that we take our butts to sweat at least three times a week! Workouts are super important because they are the catalysts to your clean eating. And this is where I need to very strong point: if you want to look good and feel good in your body eating right is about twice as important as working out.

Now, at first it may sound that I just contradicted myself. But in all reality you can look nice and lean even without working out. (Not necessarily firm but not overweight.) On the other hand, it is almost impossible to look nice and lean if you only work out but don’t eat right!

But my main point is: miraculous things start happening to your body when you eat right and work out consistently! The synergistic effects of the two will get very pronounced in most cases! Once you start feeding yourself properly and exercising on a regular basis people will start noticing it in as little as 6 to 8 weeks!

There’s one more caveat to this tip: when you get moving choose an activity that you enjoy. Remember, you will want to work out consistently so might as will choose something you love! This way you will WANT to do it and feel more motivated even on your not-so-good days.

I also made a quick little video in my coffee break today regarding this subject.
If you watch it on YouTube please support me and like, share and subscribe!

If you feel that my healthy lifestyle tips gave you value and they can give value to others, too, please share post or the video!

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