Losing Weight After 40

Losing Weight After 40?

Can we be losing weight after 40? Is it possible? It sure is! Almost effortlessly! Just read on!

It all started with me being overweight. Not feeling well in my own skin and I knew: I had better be losing weight soon. So I started my research about 15 years ago. Back then, I still lived in Los Angeles, California in the home of the brave. Also, in the home of the morbidly obese and in California’s case, home of the original fitness enthusiasts.

The right knowledge is half the battle

So I researched. Night and day. Oh, I’m not just saying this because it’s a cool figure of speech; I actually spent any free time I had in the Beverly Hills Public Library during my days and going through the books I borrowed during my nights. These books, of course, were about nutrition, diet, healthy living. (I know, it’s only been 15 years but back then the Internet was not the best source for information yet.) My research slowly became borderline obsessive. I don’t want to get into too many details but let’s just say; the more I researched the more I realized how little I know.

So I decided the best course of action would be to put my theoretical knowledge into practice and test everything I knew on me. Yep, the bro-science way!

I think I tried a lot of different things that I shouldn’t have. Of course, I went through all the fad diets there were around of the time (Atkins, South Beach, etc.) just to realize why they don’t work and even if they seem to be working at first why they don’t last. Now, I am already aware that most of these diets possibly made more harm to my body in return for that small desired payoff of a slightly smaller waistline or seeing smaller numbers on the bathroom scale. Retrospectively I know, I simply could’ve just skipped to eating clean and save me a lot of suffering and starvation during the way.

Finding your own diet which is specific to you is always a journey. Mostly when you want to be losing weight after 40. Sure, we are all humans so in broad strokes the same principles apply to all of us: you are what you eat. However, the slight variations that make us unique may require a slightly different approach when it comes to finding your perfect diet.

Losing Weight After 40!

I am 45 now and it’s saddening to watch people of my age become overweight if not straight up obese. What kills me the most is that I know why that happens to them, I know where they’re headed, I know what they should do in order to have a healthy weight and be healthy again but most of the time I can’t seem to get through to them. Most surprisingly, some of them would even be ready to sacrifice their own well-being (their life) just so they don’t have to change their habits. Think I’m kidding? Some of these people are so entrenched in their own habits and customs they’re not willing to change even if the only alternative is death!

Losing Weight After 40
Drinking My Usual Morning Snack – 1 quart of Apple-Banana Green Smoothie

So what is the major difference between those overweight people and me? They’re 45, I’m 45.
They are barely alive, riddled with sicknesses and diseases. Whereas, I am in the best shape of my life!
What do they do that I don’t? Or better yet, what do I do that they don’t?!

If you’re not as thickheaded as the people I just wrote about and you notice there is a problem; maybe you know you’re getting heavier each year, maybe you know it’s not healthy to be overweight or maybe you even started feeling the precursors of a disease (which may very possibly do you in) but you are not sure what is ACTUALLY wrong with you then please consider this:

We are herbivores acting like carnivores.

That’s our problem. Right there. Do you agree?

This simple statement stirs up a lot of emotions, mostly on the meat eater side, like we, plan based food eaters, want to take away their favorite chew toys just for fun! But losing weight after 40 shouldn’t be a screaming match between two opposing parties so I really don’t want to go into a live war zone here…

The bottom line is: just like our primate cousins, we have evolved so that we (should) eat, digest and live off of mostly plant based foods. Primates simply eat fruits, green foliage and some insects or mollusks for animal based food. Studies have also shown, the bigger the primate the more leafy greens (as in green foliage) they need and technically zero animal-based food. Smaller primates may need some animal based foods such as ants, snails or even steal a few bird eggs for its condensed protein content since their metabolism is a lot faster.

Medium sized primates such as ourselves only need fruit, some leafy greens and only an insignificant amount of animal based food. The factual numbers can give you a better understanding of what we should actually be eating:

  • 97% plant based food
  • 3% animal-based food (insects, snails, etc.)

Please note, the 3% animal-based food is not beef, pork or chicken and most definitely not dairy or eggs!

Since virtually none of us has been brought up as a vegan, I believe we all ate our good share of animal based foods for the rest of our lives so we can skip the animal based foods for good and just be vegans. (Unless you are truly attracted to eating not beef and chicken but INSECTS AND SNAILS!)

I only got to this conclusion only a few years ago but I only wish it had happened to me sooner…

What is aging?

When you’re young a lot of your cells die on a daily basis. But a lot more new cells are being created, too, so the decay is not at all noticeable. This is called growth. At around 20 – 25 these two processes balance out. You create about as many new cells as many you lose. As you age, this process slowly tips in the favor of more cells dying than as many you can re-create.

The only problem is, these two processes are irreversible yet you can slow them down. What does it mean? It means once you lost something it’ll never come back. But you can slow down the aging process by giving longevity to your cells along with preserving your natural capability of re-creating those cells. In order to do that, all you got to do is change your input. Want to be losing weight over 40? Simple! Change your body by changing the kind of foods you eat!

Losing Weight After 40
After Christmas Body

That was exactly what I did! And best of all, didn’t cost me an arm and a leg! Oh, and I don’t have to spend two hours at the gym everyday either!

Healthy bodies are made in the kitchen not at the gym!

About 3 years ago I became a vegetarian but I still ate dairy and eggs. Then I slowly started gravitating towards vegan foods as they are really yummy and I quickly turned into a veganish-vegetarian. I still put milk in my coffee, had cheese on occasions and maybe a few times a month still had some food which had eggs (like my favorite high protein Sunday pancakes).

Then as 2017 rolled around the corner I realized I hadn’t had any New Years resolutions for a long time so it was about time I had one. So I am a happy vegan since 1st of January, 2017, eating a ton of fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds everyday – preferably raw.

It’s only been a few weeks but I can already see, my stubborn body fat percent dropped even lower, my muscle density is great, my mental focus is unparalleled, and I have more energy than ever. All this at the age of 45!

It is as simple as it sounds. If you are looking to be losing weight after 40, all you got to do is go vegan! That’s it! Have a diet full of fruits, vegetables and other plant-based goodies – preferably raw! Or put it in a more everyday term: don’t eat shit you shouldn’t! 😀

Switching to a new diet can be a very challenging task. You may not even be able to do it all at once. This is exactly why I came out with my book Eating Clean which could serve as a practical segue from traditional dirty eating towards better horizons!

Please check it out here on Amazon!

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