Homemade Organic Whole Grain Spelt Bread with Almonds

I am a bad boy

But only on the weekends. That’s when I cheat. Since I eat almost 100% properly during the week I reward myself by letting me indulge in foods that I normally wouldn’t eat on a daily basis. One of these special cheat foods of mine is Whole Grain Spelt Bread. Of course, I could eat the fluffy, pure snow looking white bread that I buy at the store. Sure. I could but I don’t. Why?

Because I’m 45. When you are my age you have got to try to be good even when you allow yourself to be bad. White bread is possibly the worst of the worst. Even on a cheat day. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t matter how old you are; if you’re smart you would always try to choose the lesser of two evils when it comes to cheating and go with the healthier option. This way you do not harm your body that much and there is less “coming back” to be done.

Whole Grain Spelt Bread

Unfortunately, white bread has a very similar effect on my body as refined sugar. It elevates my insulin levels quickly through the roof allowing my body to start storing the throngs of unnecessary calories as body fat. It also has a secondary wave of destruction. 30 to 60 minutes after eating white bread my body starts craving stupid stuff: candy, chocolate, pasta, more white bread and other useless refined simple carbs. I really hate that feeling. It brings back bad, old memories from the times when I was grossly overweight and I couldn’t start or keep to my healthy eating regimen for months due to my nonstop cravings for crap food.

If you choose your cheat foods right, you will not have a problem with going back to eating clean, healthy foods the next day or even on the same one!

Whole Grain Spelt Bread?

When it comes to breads, the obvious choice is always a loaf of Whole Grain Spelt Bread made of whole-grain bio organic spelt flour. You can make breads out of any other whole grain flours that you enjoy like oats, barley, rye or even wheat. For good measures, I love to throw in a handful of nuts or seeds as well.

Whole Grain Spelt Bread

My Whole Grain Spelt Bread Recipe

It is really simple. All you need to have is a bread maker and the basic ingredients of bread. My bread maker is a cheap Oster but one of the most reliable machines I ever owned. Click here to check it out.
Bread Maker


14 ounces of warm filtered water
4 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil
3 teaspoons of salt
3 tablespoons of brown sugar
4 cups (500 g) of whole grain spelt flour
1/4 ounce (7 g) of active dry East
One handful of raw almonds (Yes, it is the official name of the unit! LOL!)


  1. Just put everything in the bread maker in the order of the ingredients list.

  2. Set it on ‘whole wheat’ and press start. It’s that easy!

  3. IMPORTANT! When your Whole Grain Spelt Bread is done, get the bin out of the bread maker and get your loaf out of the bin right away!

Whole Grain Spelt Bread

I recommend putting it on a suspended grill because it needs to air from all sides. Let it cool for at least 60 minutes before you either store it or start eating it. Let me know how your Whole Grain Spelt Bread loaf turned out if you made this!

Have a fun cheat day and stay healthy my friends! 😀

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