The Journey

The Journey to Weight Loss

You are reading this so chances are you are searching for something. For a more dramatic effect, I could say you are on a Great Quest looking for the Holy Grail but all jokes aside, you probably are a little bit like I used to be when I started my journey down the long and winding roads towards looking and feeling normal. 

Yes, as bad as it sound, there was a time in my life when

all I wanted was to look and feel NORMAL!

Notice, I didn’t say be shredded, look good or feel strong, heck, I didn’t even want to be particularly healthy just NORMAL!

Then again, why do I assume that you must be at the very beginning of your journey?

I pulled a cheap trick on you, that’s why. Very likely, you found me because you were searching for a combination of keywords that contained «weight loss» and somehow you ended up here. That was exactly what I searched for when I embarked on my journey from fat to fit. (If you found me differently then obviously this doesn’t apply to you.)

It was only later when I realized you don’t want to lose just any weight – you want to lose fat!

What is the difference between losing weight and losing fat?
A lot!

When you lose weight and you don’t know what you’re doing you may lose some of your fat tissue but also of your muscles, bone structure, joints and even your nervous system, any or all of which could surely lead to a health crisis or possibly even a fatal disaster!

So the problem with wanting to lose weight is that it is not specific enough. BTW, I noticed a certain frustration some people feel when they are not able to attain something they want so bad. It may stem in not setting specific enough or achievable goals. If you feel guilty of this, don’t worry: at one point or another we all are guilty of this and I don’t just mean regarding weight loss!

Yes, I named this blog Effortless Fast [Weight•Loss] and although this blog clearly differentiate between weight loss and fat loss it is not a misnomer. I just wanted the truth of effective fat loss to reach more people and this seemed to be the most effective way on the internet.

How did my journey begin?

It began with me being fed up with being overweight. I wasn’t morbidly obese or anything, I was just like the 33% of Americans who are simply overweight so you could say I was normal according to those standards but I knew that I wasn’t feeling well and something was wrong with me.

I immigrated to the USA from Europe in my late 20’s and I was not in my best shape to begin with. I actually smoked cigarettes, regularly drank large volumes of anything from hard liquor to beer and just like a dummy, I usually didn’t say no to drugs either. On top of this my eating habits were a train wreck!

One year I got so fat, I clearly remember not being able to sleep on my back because the excess fat on my chest was so heavy that it seriously restricted my breathing!

But there were other signs as well and on a daily basis.
I had some pain come and go in my knees and ankles, got very winded from climbing up just a few stairs, got hungry twice, sometimes even three times (!) a night so we could say all the omens were there and everything seemed to foretell me that I needed to weight less or things would only get worse.

So one day about 15 years ago I sat down in front of my computer and started searching for «weight loss» on the internet. That is how I began my journey and I hope, by using the same two “magic” keyword combo I can contribute to yours, too!

What happened next? Did I make a big discovery?

Not really. The only discovery I made was that there is not ONE BIG SECRET or ONE WEIRD TRICK for mastering your weight management. Instead, there are millions of little bits and pieces of information that you may gather and try to complete the Puzzle – Your Weight Loss Puzzle.

Education is the basis of anything you wish to master. It is the same with weight management. If you desire to have the body you want you will need to educate yourself. Free blogs like mine are great opportunities to absorb all the honest information that comes from someone who has virtually seen it all, tried it all and did it all. It is probably wise of me to mention again that I am in no way affiliated with or represent any name brands other than myself so I will not try to sell you anything.

I just want you to be able to get the information you need like I needed it at some point in my life. The only crucial difference is that you will find pretty much everything I know here on my blog and not going to have to surf all over the www to pick up one gem here and find the other one there. Also, every time I figure out or come across something that I think could be of interest for you I will post it and share it with whomever is ready to receive. I collect my knowledge and put it in posts so that you may benefit from them as well, if you really want to learn, that is!

Although our bodies operate based on the same set of rules, we are all unique individuals, biochemically speaking.

Similarly to your fingerprints your biochemistry is slightly different from anyone else’s therefore your body may react differently to certain things. In other words, ONLY YOU CAN BE THE MASTER OF YOUR BODY and only when you start listening to it. Or better yet, once you actually understand and properly respond to what your body tells you will you be able to shape it the way you want it.

I hope I can say it without sounding too conceited, I actually speak that language fluently and I can teach it to you, too.

The only question is: do you want to learn?

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